kay bradner history

I am over 70 now and so there is a long way to look back. The short version: I had an idyllic childhood with 5 brothers in a house my father built next to a waterfall in the woods south of Boston. I came west to San Francisco after a few years in New York City and Oregon. After getting my masters in printmaking, I had a fine arts press working with lots of artists with lots of printers for about 10 years. I had a baby and changed my job from helping others to make art, to making art of my own. I have had the very good luck to have kind and skillful galleries to help me. Now I play with my granddaughter and paint. I have always liked puttering on projects. Painting and playing with children have been interesting and fun projects.

To see a list of shows, collections and other details, visit my website on a full sized computer. Here is the short version for mobile devices:

Born: 1947

BA: Oregon Strate


business: Katherine Lincoln Press, now "Kay Bradner"

teaching: off and on at various colleges including Davis, CCA and San Francisco Art Institute

shows etc see history page on full size computer

Galleries are on the contact page