Although my fine arts press shut down in the mid-eighties, I continued to work with Charles Hobson and Joseph Goldyne on artist books. Here are a few of my own. I rarely do editions of books and when I do they are small editions with each book in the edition unique in some way.
'Allen's ducklings' has portraits of the ducklings raised by my brother. They lived in the little pond next to our house. He named them Snuggles, Quack, Spot, Limpet, Fluffy, Rocer, Shaker, Dicy, Ram, Peeper, Snow White, Tiger and Elmer
'26 days @ la Pilande Basse' is a hanging book printed on Judy O'Shea's fibrous paper using drypoint plates for images and text. It is a journal of my time at the O'Shea mill in France with one hanging panel 15x34 for each day's memories.

A time machine, you
bring me to the present
to hold you, the baby,
while some other people
in some other places
so some other things.
bring me to the present
to hold you, the baby,
while some other people
in some other places
so some other things.
'The Present' is a poem written by my former husband, Robert Heikki Huotari, when he first held my granddaughter. My intaglio portraits of babies were drawn from 1974 to the present.